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‎17 Elul 5784 | ‎20/09/2024

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Assaf Luxembourg:  A Passion for Promoting Israel

Assaf Luxembourg:  A Passion for Promoting Israel

ENGLISH CORNER, CON LINDA JIMÉNEZ – This week’s trivia question:  What is the MyMDband wrist strap and who has it especially helped?

Assaf Luxembourg is an Israeli whose passion is promoting Israel throughout the world.  He is experienced in business-development, marketing and sales and provides consulting, content and speaking services to audiences in Israel and abroad. He has met and presented to thousands of businesspeople, investors, entrepreneurs, students, young adults, seniors, and teenagers, both Jewish and non-Jewish, in Israel and around the world.

Assaf was in Spain last week, and we caught up with him before a meeting he had with the Jewish community in Madrid. 


Assaf Luxembourg’s website:
