Casa Turca: World Interfaith Harmony Week
ENGLISH CORNER, CON LINDA JIMÉNEZ – This week’s trivia question: In which cities in Spain were Concerts of Three Cultures organized to celebrate World Interfaith Harmony Week this year?
The first week in February was declared World Interfaith Harmony Week by the United Nations in 2010 and first celebrated in 2011. The Casa Turca, which is the Turkish Cultural Center, and Arco Forum organized a series of concerts and events, with the participation of nearly a dozen other organizations, including Centro Sefarad-Israel, the Bet-El Masorti Jewish community, Foro Abraham and UNESCO in Getafe, Madrid. The concerts included performances by groups representing Christian, Muslim and Jewish cultures, and were held in a number of cities throughout Spain.
We spoke with Temirkhon Temirzoda Naziri, the Director of Cultural Programs and International Cooperation of the Casa Turca about Interfaith Harmony Week and the activities that they organized.