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‎8 Elul 5784 | ‎11/09/2024

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Raúl Fernández Vítores: Holocaust Education in Madrid

Raúl Fernández Vítores: Holocaust Education in Madrid

ENGLISH CORNER, CON LINDA JIMÉNEZ – This week’s trivia question: What is “eliminationism”?

Raúl Fernández Vítores is a high school philosophy teacher and frequent contributor to Radio Sefarad’s Spanish-language programs. He has published books of essays, fiction and poetry, although his special area of interest is the Holocaust, which he has approached in some of his writings from the point of view of philosophy.

Fernández Vítores is the Director of the Territorial Center for Innovation and Training for Southern Madrid, which is part of the teacher-training department of the Madrid Regional Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports. He has led his department in the development of a special section devoted to Holocaust education, which includes the publication of a Guide for the Teaching of the Shoá, designed for teachers at the elementary and secondary school levels, a bibliography of resources, and the organization of lectures and workshops.

Mr. Fernández Vítores spoke with us about his own work and the new Shoá Teaching Guide.

For more information about the CTIF in Leganés 

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