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‎8 Elul 5784 | ‎10/09/2024

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Daniel Höltgen: Council of Europe’s First Special Representative on Religious Intolerance

Daniel Höltgen: Council of Europe’s First Special Representative on Religious Intolerance

ENGLISH CORNER, CON LINDA JIMÉNEZ – This week’s trivia question: What has the French Jewish Students’ Union done to combat antisemitism online?

The Council of Europe was founded in 1949 by the Treaty of London, largely in response to the horrors of  World War II and the Holocaust. Over the years, it has developed into Europe’s leading human rights organization, covering 47 member states. Together with its court, the European Court of Human Rights, the Council of Europe has developed extensive expertise in tackling different types of discrimination and racism. In November last year, the Secretary General nominated Daniel Höltgen as the Council of Europe’s first Special Representative on Antisemitic, Anti-Muslim and other forms of religious intolerance and hate crimes.

This week we are speaking with Mr. Höltgen about this new position, its mandate and how he plans to carry it out.