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‎21 Tammuz 5784 | ‎27/07/2024

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Mace Bugan: The Little Gate Crasher

Mace Bugan: The Little Gate Crasher

ENGLISH CORNER, CON LINDA JIMÉNEZ – This week’s trivia question: How did Mace Bugan use his size to his advantage?

Gabrielle Kaplan-Mayer is a freelance writer and educator based in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. We recently spoke with her about her work as Director of the Whole Community Inclusion program of Jewish Learning Venture, where she finds ways to help make Jewish organizations welcoming and inclusive for people with disabilities and their families.

This week she is speaking with us about her great-uncle Mace Bugan. An achondroplastic dwarf, Mace overcame his disability to have a successful career in business, and also a very unusual hobby. Gabby has written about Mace’s life in her book The Little Gate Crasher.  A free study guide is available online for those who would like to use the book as a basis for group discussion.